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  • Skin Imperfections: This Is How to Love Your Whole Body

    "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself". Wise words from the famous fashionista, Coco Chanel. These words are easier said than done. One day your skin is flawless, and the next day you wake up with a giant blemish, redness, flaking, or dryness. We've all been there. Nobody is perfect. Not even celebrities or the influencers we follow. We all have skin imperfections. So how do you start loving your body, your skin, the real you regardless of skin imperfections? We'll show you how to be confident in your skin with these self-love tips. Put them into practice today and let your confidence start shining as your skin starts glowing. Practice Empowerment You want to know how to love your skin, but don't know where to start. Your latest bout with acne or the sunspots you see in the mirror are frustrations you feel like you'll never overcome. Educating yourself about how to best treat your skin imperfections can empower you to make the changes you've been wanting. Whether you face cystic acne, dry skin, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation, getting the right treatment is a step to feeling empowered to loving yourself and the skin you're in. Book an appointment with a skincare professional to get the customized treatment your skin needs. They can educate you regarding any skin imperfections you're facing and how to care for your skin so you can be more confident and love your body. Take Time for Self-Care You're busy with school, with family, with work. The to-do lists never end. They seem to just keep getting longer. Taking time for self-care seems impossible, but that is when you need it the most. Stress, lack of sleep, poor eating and exercise habits, and the wrong beauty products can all wreak havoc on your skin. Getting these areas in check is essential to achieving self-care and self-love. Try implementing small changes to start new healthy habits. Get out for a lunch-time walk, swap veggies for fries, and consult with a skincare expert to find products to get your skin glowing. As you take more time for self-care, the results will start to show as you glow from the inside out. Treat Yourself Let's face it. Life is stressful and often leaves little time for you to celebrate your accomplishments. It's important to carve out time and even money to treat yourself. Rewarding yourself with a bouquet of fresh flowers or a professional facial can help you recharge. It can help you reinforce your worth and confidence as you celebrate big and small achievements. Life is busy and it's easy to gloss over the amazing things you've accomplished. Take some time to consider how amazing you are and treat yourself to something special. Practice Mindfulness So what exactly is mindfulness anyway? Think of it as taking the time to recognize what you are feeling and acknowledging those feelings. Life is so busy with lots of distractions. Taking the time out to dig deep and admit how you are feeling about something is an important step in loving who you are and your body. Recognize what imperfections you are insecure about and why. Recognize what you are confident about and why. These realizations can help you along your journey to changing what you want or need and accepting what you can't change. They can help you enjoy and embrace what is unique about you. Maybe you struggle with acne and it destroys your self-confidence. Recognizing the what and the why hurting your confidence can help you take steps to change while also accept and loving yourself, imperfections, and all. Look to Nature From food to skincare, getting back to nature is healthiest for the body. Choosing foods and beauty products that are free from chemicals or excessive processing, contribute to healthier skin and a happier body. Consider switching out skincare with potentially harmful ingredients to those that are close to nature, clean, and sustainably produced. Not only will the results bring more confidence in your skin, but you can feel good about purchasing products that are good for the environment. Don't Compare Beauty is not a one-size-fits-all box that anyone can fit into. It comes in all body shapes, sizes, colors, and ages. Constant comparison of yourself is an impossible pursuit. You can't be every size, age, or skin type from one day to the next. You can only be you and that is a superpower. Underneath filters and makeup, everyone has imperfect skin. You are not alone, but your skin imperfections should have a customized treatment tailored to your needs and concerns. Accept that one-of-a-kind beauty staring back at you in the mirror and take the best care of you possible. Perfectly imperfect is beautiful. Simplify and Create Routines Routines build discipline and discipline builds confidence and shows results. If you're having a hard time sticking with daily routines from skincare to working out, start small and build from there. Random actions yield random results. This rings true for your skincare too. Not washing your face or sporadically using SPF, will yield poor results. Try starting and regularly following a simple, but effective daily skincare regimen. Not only will you feel more confident as you stick with your routine, but you will also minimize those skin imperfections over time with consistent use of the right products. Love Yourself, Skin Imperfections and All Ready to start loving the body and skin you're in, skin imperfections, and all? Book a facial with one of our skincare experts to help you love your skin from the inside & out. Let us help you start your self-love journey today.

  • How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated: 8 Simple Tips

    A recent study of 2,000 Americans revealed that more than half aren't comfortable in their own skin, and 67% report the reason is related to skin issues. We all want healthier skin, and a huge part of healthy skin is keeping it hydrated. Are you wondering how to keep your skin hydrated? There's more to it than drinking more water and using a moisturizer (though both are still important!) If you want to know the answer, read on for eight of our top tips on how to hydrate skin. 1. Understand Your Skin Type First things first, understanding your skin type can give you better insight into how to keep your skin hydrated. Here are the basic skin types: Normal - Few imperfections, no sensitivity, and small or nearly invisible pores Dry - Dull complexion, less elastic skin, redness, visible age lines Oily - Larger pores, dull or shiny complexion, blemishes, and blackheads Combination - Skin is dry in certain areas and oily in others, larger pores, and blackheads Sensitive - Skin prone to redness, dryness, itching, or burning Identifying your skin type is the first step toward treating your skin better and achieving that glowing complexion we all want. 2. Start With a Gentle Cleanser Washing your face removes all the buildup of the day that accumulates on our skin, including dirt, oil, pollutants, and so on. However, it's also easy to overdo it and dry out your skin, and harsh cleansers can do that. Many facial cleansers have a surfactant, which is a compound or chemical designed to move through the skin's surface tension to absorb dirt and oil. Cleansers interact with the skin's outermost layer, and they can also remove the good oils. Removing too many of these good oils results in dry skin. Irritation, dryness, and burning are all signs you're overdoing it and stripping the skin of those useful oils. Often that 'squeaky clean' feeling people are used to can actually dry out your skin too much. If your skin is dry, try swiping out that foaming cleanser for a rich cleansing balm or cleansing oil instead. These types of cleansers help to replenish moisture and relieve redness. Remember we never want to overdue do it and exfoliate more than one to two times a week! 3. Always Use a Moisturizer No matter which skin type you have, using the right moisturizer is vital when it comes to keeping your skin properly hydrated. Moisturizers also help replace some of those essential oils we lose when cleaning our faces with a cleanser. Choosing an oil-rich cream if your super dry will help replenish moisture and repair your skin's lipid barrier. Even if you have oily skin, you should moisturize. Neglecting to do so can result in the skin overcompensating and overproducing oil. Using a hydrating gel or lightweight moisturizer would be a great option for oiler skin. When shopping for moisturizers, choose one with a broad spectrum SPF to protect your delicate skin from the harsh rays of the sun during the day. It's also best to apply a moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp to lock in hydration! During the winter months it's great to use a humidifier to help replenish lost moisture in your skin's top layer. 4. Remember to Exfoliate Exfoliating, one to two times a week, removes all those excess dead skin cells, giving skin a fresh and bright complexion. If you notice dry skin, it may be time for a gentle exfoliation. Knowing how to exfoliate without drying out your skin is key to maintaining that balance. For instance, if you have dry skin, you'll want to avoid harsh exfoliating tools and cosmetic ingredients. This can impact the skin's moisture barrier that will cause redness and irritation. Using the right exfoliant for your skin will help clear dead skin cells and smooth rough, dry skin. It will also help remove impurities to help brighten the skin's appearance and shrink pores. Get a skincare consultation to learn the best tips for healthy skin. The next time you go in for your facial, ask for some tips on how to hydrate your skin type and how to exfoliate the right way. 5. Avoid Harsh Chemicals Chemicals exist in our daily cleaning products and detergents, but many cosmetics also contain irritants that can hurt our skin. Chemicals disrupt hormones in the body and can even increase the risk of cancer. Common products that contain these chemicals include shampoos, deodorants, skincare products, cleansers, and more. Sound scary? Thankfully, it's easy to make the switch to natural beauty care products, which are free of these irritating or harsh ingredients. To protect your skin, avoid products that include chemical ingredients like parabens, petrolatum, mineral oils, propylene glycol, or sodium lauryl sulfates. There are plenty of natural ingredients out there that can provide hydrated, bright, and healthy skin. 6. Skip the Hot Shower Sometimes a long, steamy shower is the perfect way to unwind after a stressful day. However, hot water strips the skin of vital oils and moisture. Nobody wants dry, irritated skin, so keep the water temperature lukewarm. If this is not possible then it would be best to limit them to no more than 10 mins. To further pamper and treat your skin, use a moisturizer after your shower to restore lost moisture. It's best to do this while your skin is still damp to lock in hydration. Remember to skip the hot water when you wash your face, too. Stick to lukewarm water to avoid drying out and irritating your skin. 7. Pamper Yourself Even if you follow a dedicated beauty routine and religiously apply your moisturizer with SPF, you need to take time to pamper your skin. One of the easiest ways to achieve and maintain hydrated skin is to get a facial or use face masks with hydrating ingredients. Our organic facials use all-natural ingredients and pure vitamin infusions for the ultimate skin hydration. Never had a facial before and not sure where to start? No worries! We have facials for all skin types and can address a variety of skin concerns you may have. 8. Check Your Diet While applying moisturizers and pampering your skin with a hydrating facial can do wonders, you can do even more with the right diet. Make sure to eat foods high in water content and fruits and veggies with Vitamin C. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are good for this. Foods with Vitamin B3 and Vitamin A are also a must-have for skin health. Around 20% of our daily fluid intake comes from food, so remember to drink enough water to make up for the rest! You can also enhance your skin's ability to retain moisture by adding healthy fats to your diet. Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils support skin health by fighting inflammation and boosting the skin's moisture barrier. These foods include salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. Need More Tips on How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated? These eight tips should help you on the path toward healthier, more hydrated skin. Remember, the key with any beauty routine is consistency, so keep it up! Are you interested in more pro tips on how to keep your skin hydrated? We have a full-service menu for you to check out, and we'd be happy to help walk you through addressing any skin concerns you may have. Reach out or book your appointment today to treat your skin right.

  • This Is How to Wash Your Face Correctly

    What if we told you that you're washing your face incorrectly? That might sound silly or even weird. After all, washing your face is as simple as wetting your soap or cleanser and applying it to your skin, right? Wrong. If you want to avoid acne, blackheads, redness, dry skin, oily skin, or any other facial faux-pas, there are several things you need to keep in mind. Lucky for you, we've listed everything right here. Here's our easy guide for how to wash your face correctly. 1. Finding the Right Product The first and most important step of washing your face is to make sure you're using the right product. Specifics on what the right product is vary based on your skin type. There is one common theme, though: gentleness. Whether your skin is oily, dry, acne-prone, sensitive, or some combination thereof, you want to make sure you're using gentle, yet effective products on your skin. To help determine your skin type its best to visit an experienced esthetician to help assess and make customized product recommendations for your skin care needs. 2. Face Wipes Aren't Enough If you wear makeup, you'll probably want to use a makeup remover before washing your skin. Because the ideal face wash is gentle, it might not be strong enough to wash away thick or highly-pigmented makeup. This also means that it won't penetrate that layer of makeup to get to your skin. That's where makeup removing wipes come in handy. Your face washing routine doesn't end there, though. After you've wiped off your makeup, you need to continue with an actual face cleanser. Otherwise, the only thing you've achieved is removing your makeup. 3. Don't Use Hot Water The cleanser you use isn't the only important factor in face washing. Several other elements impact how clean and healthy your skin can be. The first of these factors is the temperature of the water you wash with. You should never use hot water on your skin. This is true whether you're just washing your face or you're dunking your whole body in the shower. Instead, use a comfortable, luke-warm water temperature. If you want to get really specific, aim for about 100°F. Otherwise, just adjust the water temperature until it's warm enough to feel but not so hot that it's steaming. After washing, you should switch to cold water and splash it on your skin. This will close your pores and prevent further dirt and bacteria from creeping in. 4. Clean Your Towels If you use hand towels to wash your face, it's important that those towels are kept clean. Using the same towel over and over again can result in moldy, bacteria-ridden cloth that only makes your skin worse. Make sure you're swapping out the towel you use at least every 2 days. You also need to make sure you're using clean towels for drying your skin. Although your drying towels don't get as moist as your washing towels, they're still absorbing water. They're also removing the last remnants of any dirt you removed from your skin. The end goal is the same. No matter what kind of cloth or material you're using on your face, and no matter when you're using it, always make sure it's clean. 5. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize! Another important factor in face washing is your moisturizer. Immediately after washing, you need to moisturize your skin. Even if your skin is naturally very oily and acne-prone, you run the risk of having your skin dry out after washing. This is true whether you use the gentlest cleanser on the market or one that is packed with anti-acne ingredients. To combat this, you need to keep your skin moisturized. Just like the cleanser you use, there isn't a one-size-fits-all mentality for moisturizer. You'll have to customize it to fit your skin's unique needs. For acne-prone skin, try a lightweight moisturizer with salicylic acid. For dry skin, try a thicker, richer moisturizer that promises multiple hours of hydration. Always try a moisturizer out for at least 2 weeks before making any final decisions about whether or not it's right for your skin. Your face will need at least one week to adjust to any new product, and it'll take at least another week for you to start noticing any drastic changes. 6. Wash 1-2 Times Per Day Finally, it's important to keep track of how often you're washing your face. At a minimum, you should be washing once a day. Like brushing your teeth, you can wash your face at any time of day. Most dermatologists recommend doing it first thing when you wake up or right before you go to bed, though. If you work out or have a job where you sweat a lot, you may also want to wash your face at certain intervals throughout the day to keep bacteria from building up. You can stick to face wipes for these washing sessions. You can also wash your face too much. Every time you wash your face, you strip your skin of all the oils it naturally produces. In theory, this is exactly what you want, but some of those oils are vital for skin protection. Even the most congested skin should never be washed more than 2 times daily. More Advice on How to Wash Your Face Correctly and Other Skincare Questions Hopefully, our advice on how to wash your face correctly has helped you out. Although there are a few universal tips and tricks for skincare, the overall process is unique to each individual. You'll need to tailor your process to your own needs and experiment with different products until you find the right cocktail for you. In addition to an effective home care routine, customized professional facials are crucial to elevating your skin's health. These treatments can be customized to your specific skin type and concerns, and maintained by your daily home regimen. Make an appointment for a facial to provide enhanced results and to receive professional home care advice from our highly skilled estheticians! You can use our online scheduling system to book at your convenience or contact us via text or email.

  • Facial Peels: What They Are and Why your Skin Needs Them

    Interested in trying a facial peel but not sure where to start? Some people may confuse them with peel-off masks, but they are nowhere near close. If you’re wondering if they will leave your skin flaky and peeling? Well, that all depends on the facial peel that’s best for your skin. The good thing for you we have the inside scoop on all there is to know! At Pretty Please, we specialize in a wide variety of facials and offer facial peels as add-ons to boost the health of your skin. Our Skin Therapists are trained in pinpointing your skincare needs and recommending the perfect facial peel to achieve your skin goals. What Do Facial Peels Do? Facial Peels are simply a form of chemical exfoliation. They remove dead/damaged skin cells, mainly through the use of acids that loosen and dissolve debris away. Unlike physical exfoliants, like using sugar/salt scrubs or even microdermabrasion, peel ingredients sink into the skin, targeting deeper layers than a physical exfoliant can reach. However, a peel is often considered gentler than a scrub. For those with a sensitive skin type who still want to smooth and refresh their complexion, a light peel is a great option to not irritate the skin. What Ingredients Are in a Peel? Acids are the main active ingredient in a facial peel. The VitaSkin Exfoliating peels we use contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) sourced from fruit and plants. Alpha Hydroxy Acids AHAs are typically milder and include glycolic, lactic, and mandelic acids. It’s a great choice for dry or sensitive skin types, AHAs exfoliate the skin surface while improving hydration levels, leaving the skin baby-soft and glowing. This type of peel would fall under the ‘“superficial peels” as they only focus on the top layer of skin. Beta Hydroxy Acids BHAs are typically stronger than AHAs and sink deeper into the skin to exfoliate and clean out pore walls. BHAs, like salicylic acid, are ideal for oily skin or problematic skin types as they fight current breakouts, prevent future breakouts, and are non-irritating. This type of peel would fall under medium-depth peels. What Are The Different Types? When trying to decide what level of peel you need, keep in mind that there are three main types. Let’s get into the breakdown of each one. Light Peels The gentlest type of facial peel is effective without any downtime. Light peels, like Eminence Organics VitaSkin Exfoliating Peels, don't require recovery as they do not exfoliate below the epidermis. This type of peel is available to achieve four different skincare goals: Tighten your skin with the Firm Skin Acai Exfoliating Peel, it has lactic and glycolic acids. Brighten your skin with the Bright Skin Licorice Root Exfoliating Peel, it has a blend of lactic and mandelic acids. Calm and soothe your skin with Calm Skin Chamomile Exfoliating Peel Clear your complexion with the Clear Skin Willow Bark Exfoliating Peel, with lactic and salicylic acids, to clear your complexion. Medium Peels Most medium-strength peels usually result in redness with a five-to-seven-day recovery period due to the TCA (trichloroacetic acid). These peels are often used to treat scarring and sun-damaged skin. It is worth noting that while these peels are milder and involve less risk than deep peels, there is still a chance of developing scarring and blistering from a medium-strength peel. However, for your benefit, there are medium peels that can be used at the spa or even at home. These stronger types of exfoliation produce long-lasting skincare benefits that can extend for up to a week but are safe to use at home. An example of a medium peel is Eminence Organics Arctic Berry Peel & Peptide Illuminating System which keeps the skin radiant in-between spa visits. Deep or Strong Peels Generally, we would consider deep peel as the strongest type of chemical peel, using acids like phenol or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as a process that penetrates deeply into the middle layer of the skin and causes a second-degree burn on the face. Side effects from deep chemical peels include multiple weeks of recovery while the new skin develops, the appearance of redness or burns, and the skin literally peeling or flaking away from the face. Staying out of direct sunlight is highly recommended while the skin repairs itself. At Pretty Please, we don’t use peels with long recovery times and side effects. It has always been our philosophy to respect the skin. The peels we use are organic and naturally derived and typically produce benefits that last two weeks or longer. We offer the following Strong peels: Mangosteen Lactic Pro Peel 10% Pro Salicylic Acid Peel 15% Arctic Berry Advanced Peel Activator MA20 Yam Pumpkin Peel 20% These strong peels are formulated specifically for problematic skin. These professional peels are powerful exfoliants that require a trained spa professional, like our team, to follow a specific protocol, but they are also products formulated with botanical ingredients that leave your skin glowing naturally. What Are the Benefits of Peels? Aside from acids working hard to reveal your hidden beauty, there are an array of benefits that come along with a facial peel. Smooths Skin Who doesn’t want soft and supple skin? One of the many benefits of a facial peel is smoother, baby-soft skin. Removing the dull, outer layer of dead skin cells with a facial peel leaves the skin feeling extremely smooth. To lock in smoothness, ensure your new skin is kept deeply hydrated and protected after your peel. We recommend trying a restorative oil like Eminence Organics Facial Recovery Oil and, of course, using your go-to SPF moisturizer. Evens Skin Tone Again, gentle peels are removing dead/dry skin to leave behind softer skin, but some peels will work beneath the surface. These peels will penetrate deeper than scrubbing particles and will likely result in a more glowy and even complexion than you will find with a physical exfoliant. With continued use, discolorations such as sun and age spots will look diminished, leaving your skin feeling bright and youthful. Primes Skin Because a peel reveals new skin cells and smooths your complexion, it leaves the skin as a perfect canvas to deeply absorb further treatments. Minimizes Fine Lines Using facial peels that contain AHAs will help reduce the signs of fine lines as it delivers a gentle and hydrating form of exfoliation and offers moisture to the epidermis while removing dead skin cells. Additionally, AHAs might stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which explains why so many people find their skin looking plump and firm after an AHA peel. Shrinks Pores By using facial peels properly, you can shrink the appearance of your pores. Peels containing AHAs and BHAs will leave pores smaller and cleaner than before. Using this treatment will remove dead skin cells, excess sebum, and combat the bacteria that cling together inside of a pore, causing said pores to expand. Clears Congestion Much like how they shrink pores, peels are a fantastic way to clear away any congestion in the skin. Small whiteheads, blackheads, and milia are common signs of congested skin, and the acids in a facial peel work to gently break apart any build-up that’s causing clogged pores. Prevents Breakouts Peels with BHAs are a fantastic option to effectively combat breakouts. While a home care routine containing salicylic acid is crucial for managing oily skin types and acne, a peel works deeper to drastically improve breakouts, smooth texture, and reduce dark spots and pigmentation. As salicylic acid is non-inflammatory, a BHA peel does all this without causing further irritation. When you’re ready to find the perfect peel for your skin, come see us in New York City. If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us via email or text. You can also check us out on Instagram!

  • Blackheads VS. Sebaceous Filaments - Do You Know the Difference?

    For a lot of us, blackheads were our first tell-tale signs of having skin issues. From facial scrubs to blackhead strips...we tried them all! If you’ve ever suffered from blackheads that just won’t go away, maybe you should take a closer look. You may not be dealing with blackheads at all, but instead, sebaceous filaments. While these two are similar, sebaceous filaments bring on a different approach to treatment. At Pretty Please, our Skin Therapists specialize in not only amazing facials but also skin consultations that will make identifying sebaceous filaments and blackheads easier for you. Our facial recommendation: Kickstart the fight against blackheads & untamed sebaceous filaments with a pro-grade organic peel during your facial! ($40 add-on) In this article, you’ll learn all about the differences between these two skin concerns, what causes them, and how to treat them both. What Are Sebaceous Filaments? Unlike blackheads, sebaceous filaments are not a clogged hair follicle that needs to be cleared away. It’s actually considered to be a completely normal function of the skin -- Sebaceous Filaments are particles released from your oil glands. As for blackheads they are oxidized keratin, and because they are open to the air, they oxidize and look black, while Sebaceous Filaments have a much lighter color. While blackheads are a negative skin concern, a sign of sebaceous filaments means your skin is operating properly. Sebaceous Filaments are needed to carry sebum through the hair follicle to the surface of the skin. It helps with keeping skin moisturized and flexible, which is great for reducing wrinkles. When visible, they tend to resemble blackheads but are lighter, often appearing as tiny grey or beige dimples that lay completely flat to the surface of the skin. How to Remove Sebaceous Filaments? For many, sebaceous filaments may not be visible at all. However, for those with oily skin or larger pores, sebaceous filaments can be just as noticeable as blackheads - but much more difficult to extract. This is because unlike a blackhead, a sebaceous filament won’t go away by simply removing it, as it’s supposed to be there. Even if they are extracted, as a normal function of the skin, they will grow back to continue their work lubricating the skin. However, to answer the question we know you’re waiting to ask -- Yes, a professional can technically extract sebaceous filaments, but this will not solve the problem. To decrease the appearance of sebaceous filaments, the best line of attack is to focus on skincare that minimizes pores and controls the skin’s oil production. Not only is a professional facial a great starting point to remove sebaceous filaments, but our esthetician can also recommend pore shrinking products to help manage your skin appearance daily. How to Treat Sebaceous at Home? Double Cleanse Double cleansing your skin nightly will not only remove every trace of makeup but if you have an oily skin type, double cleansing will work wonders for managing any excess oils. Exfoliate with Fruit Acids Our Founder, Jennifer Rasa would recommend exfoliating with gentle fruit acids and loves the at-home VitaSkin peels by Eminence. Chemical exfoliants containing naturally sourced AHAs and BHAs would be ideal to gently remove any dead skin and excess oils, leaving behind baby soft skin, and gently cleansed pores. These types of peels can be used up to three times per week due to providing gentle but deep exfoliation. What Causes Blackheads? Now that you have the run-down on sebaceous filaments, we’re sure you’re wondering what causes blackheads. Blackheads can be caused by these five main factors: 1. Environment- In an environment with pollution and/or poor circulation, your skin is exposed to a greater number of free radicals. For those with larger pores, dirt and dust settles into the skin and penetrates those open pores deeply. 2. Oil - The oil or sebum found inside of pores is sticky. Especially if you have an oily skin type, this will combine with pollutants, creating a sludge that gets stuck inside the pore. 3. Diet - Sometimes dietary changes, restrictions, or sensitivities can cause the skin to produce more or less oil. More oil will add to stickiness inside the pore, while less oil can lead to a dry, tight pore that lacks the flexibility to be cleaned out properly. It’s best to maintain a healthy diet of water, fruits, and veggies to help balance your skin. 4. Hormones - Hormonal changes can also contribute to excessive oil production -- leading to clogged pores, blackheads, and even acne. While breakouts sometimes clear once hormones settle, blackheads are less likely to fade. 5. Medication - Lastly, just like with diet, medication can drastically change your skin’s oil production. You may see the skin become greasy and clogged, or the area around the pore becomes tight and shiny - both of which aggravate blackheads. How to Remove Blackheads? Our first recommendation is to kickstart blackhead removal by treating your skin to a facial. From there, you can get a lot accomplished with at home regimen. Once again, it’s best to know exactly what your skin needs before starting any treatments. Unlike sebaceous filaments, blackheads need an esthetician for safe extraction and for removing them long term. Attempting to remove them yourself can cause scarring and enlarging your pores, which we know you don’t want! However, there are a few ways to control and treat blackheads if a professional touch is not in your budget at the moment. Use A Charcoal Face Mask Charcoal is an ideal ingredient to detox the skin as it acts like a magnet to draw out impurities. A charcoal mask is the best way to ensure you are giving your skin a deep clean inside the pore while also delivering moisture and keeping pore walls flexible. We love the Balance Masque Duo by Eminence. AM/PM Moisturizers Using an AM/PM moisturizer should already be a part of your skincare routine, but if it’s not, add this important tip to your list of “must-haves”. Use your daily moisturizers as a way to ensure you’re delivering blackhead-busting ingredients while still hydrating your skin and maintaining your natural glow. Jennifer Rasa would recommend using a hydrating moisturizer for your day creme and glycolic acid-based moisturizer at night to gently exfoliate the skin, while also providing hydration. We know we covered a lot but, we hope this article was able to provide you with ways to maintain your glow, keep your skin healthy, and help to identify skin concerns that play a role in balancing your skin. If you have any more questions, message us on Instagram or touch base with us via email at .

  • 5 Skin Types and How to Care for Them

    Are you looking for ways to replenish your skin after enduring the elements of the upcoming winter? Do you wonder how your skin type affects the way that you should care for it? If so, then you should research the different skin types to learn more. Doing so can help you maximize the full potential of your skin. You'll have it looking healthy and younger than ever before. Simply learn what skin type you have and what is the best way to care for it. See below for more information on the 5 different types of skin and how each one responds to certain treatments. 1. Sensitive Skin First up is the most delicate type of skin out there. As the name would imply, this skin type is easily irritated and should be handled with the most caution. People that have any of the four other skin types won't deal with as much irritation. The sensitive skin responds differently to all sorts of materials and conditions. This usually results in red skin. Whenever the sensitive skin is irritated and becomes red, you'll also notice that it feels itchy and hot to the touch. Whenever that happens, it's important that you not put any other materials on it that could further irritate it and cause an infection. To treat your sensitive skin, you need to become more aware of the triggers that cause it. Knowing that can help you steer clear of complications. Be sure to moisturize often and find the right balance for makeup, cleansers, and skin toners. 2. Oily Skin For those of you that have skin with a shiny glow, you more than likely have an oily skin type. This is due to a heightened amount of production in the glands and pores, which give off the brighter appearance. Many people with oily skin consider this both a blessing and a curse. It gives off a natural shine that most people are trying to capture by using moisturizer. However, the excess of oil can cause more skin acne than with other skin types. This is at its most predominant phase when you first hit puberty in your adolescence, until the time that you reach the age of 35 or so. Oily skin is often genetic, but can also be caused by an increase in hormones. To take care of your oily skin and regulate it, you need to find a balanced skincare routine. Be sure to wash your face only a time or two a day using a cleanser. If you're looking for skincare products, be sure to purchase noncomedogenic ones. Most importantly, do not pop the pimples and zits that you see. Let them heal in their own time. If you constantly pop them, then they will take much longer to heal and can even scar up. 3. Dry Skin For those of you with the opposite set of skin, you'll find yourself on the other end of the spectrum with dry skin. People with dry skin typically have a rough-looking pigmentation, with a few noticeable red areas around it. The lines in your skin will be more noticeable and you'll have pores that are virtually non-existent to the untrained eye. If you constantly deal with skin that is cracking or peeling off and often becomes scaly to the touch, then you almost certainly have dry skin. The best solution for this is to moisturize several times a day. Many experts will also tell you to reduce your time in the shower and refrain from direct skin contact with a fan, AC vent, and so forth. In fact, you might find it beneficial to use a humidifier in your house to regulate the humidity/dryness during the winter. 4. Combination Skin As the name would imply, this skin type refers to anyone that has both dry and oily skin areas. It's more common than you might imagine. Common signs of combination skin are when you notice days where your skin looks shiny (oily) some days and dull (dry) in others. During those "oily days" you might find that your pores seem more enlarged. People with combination skin typically deal with more blackheads than other skin types, due to the mixture of a dry and oily complexion. The best treatment for combination skin is to receive professional help. Opt to receive facial treatments often and ask them for recommendations on which products to use. 5. Normal Skin Those with normal skin have the least amount of problems. They require less care than all other skin types, as it has balance and virtually no severe imperfections (such as dry patches or enlarged pores). If you have a normal type, then you'll notice that your pores are almost unnoticeable and aren't affected by any materials and treatments. Because it has no imperfections, you can get away with the least amount of skincare, opting for a facial once every so often. Other than that, it's just important to wash your face each morning when you wake up to prepare it to take on the day. Consider Your Skin Types In Your Daily Routine Now that you have seen and learned more about the different skin types, it's important to figure out which category your skin falls into. Be sure to read this article to learn more about how to improve your skin texture and receive that natural glow that you're longing for. For more inquiries, please begin by visiting this page to book an appointment online. We look forward to helping you improve the current condition of your skin!

  • What Is Collagen -- and Why Your Skin Needs It

    It’s no secret that collagen is the key to a youthful-looking complexion. At Pretty Please, we work hard to ensure our clients maintain their collagen levels with private skin consultations, facial treatments, and recommending collagen-boosting products. Collagen is the structural protein that provides support and stability to keep the skin firm, plump, and bouncy. Unfortunately, as we age, the natural reproduction of collagen diminishes, so we have to replenish our skin with products that have collagen as an ingredient. This article will break down what collagen is and why it’s needed. What Is Collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for about one-third of its protein composition. It’s the building block of many of our tissues and organs, including our bones, muscles, skin, and even teeth. Basically, collagen is what binds our cells and tissues together, helping them maintain their shape, elasticity, and strength. The majority of our collagen is found and produced in the dermis which is the skin’s second layer. 3 Types of Collagen There are 28 types of collagen found in the body, but Type I, II, and III are the most plentiful. These three types make up to 90 percent of the body’s total collagen supply. Here’s a breakdown of how they differ: Type I Type I is the most common type of collagen and provides structural support for our bones, organs, and connective tissues (including the skin). It is incredibly elastic and can stretch considerably without breaking. Type II Type II collagen is the building block of cartilage. Unlike Type I collagen which is neatly arranged, Type II forms more of a jumble. This arrangement gives cartilage its flexible, bouncy quality which allows it to easily compress and cushion our joints. Type III Type III collagen is most concentrated in the bone marrow and lymph tissues. Its narrow fibers are arranged in branches that provide support for specialized cells involved in blood cell generation. It is often found alongside Type I collagen in the skin and plays a key role in wound repair. What Does Collagen Do For Skin? As we stated earlier, collagen is the most abundant protein in the skin and it’s needed for all positive reasons. Collagen works as a structural protein that provides strength, support, and elasticity to keep the skin firm, plump and youthful. But just to make things clear, here’s a closer look at what collagen does for the skin. Provides Support & Structure Collagen fibers bind tissue together. With their strong, braid-like composition, they function much like sturdy columns that hold up and support the top layer of skin. When you’re young, these columns provide the stability and rigidity that keep your skin tight and lifted. This strong foundation keeps your skin’s youthful shape intact. Keeps Skin Firm & Plump Along with elastin and hyaluronic acid, collagen is also found in the dermis. That combination gives skin its volume, density, and bounce. Together, these materials form a tight, flexible barrier that keeps skin firm, plump, and supple. When plentiful, collagen keeps the skin from sagging and prevents the folding and creasing that contributes to fine lines and wrinkles. Improves Elasticity That spring and bounce you see in youthful skin? Credit that to collagen. In addition to keeping your complexion firm and plump, collagen improves the skin’s flexibility and elasticity. This not only helps prevent the formation of wrinkles, but it also reduces the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. Why Do We Lose Collagen? The skin contains an abundance of collagen when we’re young, but over time it starts to decline. The skin has a fine balance between collagen production and collagen breakdown. As we get older, corticosteroids tend to halt the production of new collagen and accelerate the breakdown of new collagen. The Result of a Lack of Collagen Visible Signs of Aging When we lose more collagen than we produce, the visible signs of aging quickly start to emerge. Weakened collagen cannot provide much-needed structural support and as collagen levels drop, our skin becomes thinner, starts to droop, and develops fine lines and wrinkles. Ingredients That Stimulate Collagen Production With collagen’s numerous benefits for the skin, it’s no wonder it’s an ingredient that has begun to pop up in skincare. Peptides Many topical treatments contain collagen peptides. These smaller chains of amino acids are more easily absorbed by the skin. When they reach the dermis, peptides provide the skin with the building blocks they need to produce new collagen. By applying peptides through skincare, we can actually trick the skin into making more of this essential protein. Retinol Retinol is another topical ingredient that stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. You can reap the benefits of retinol - and skip its side effects - by opting for a botanical-based version like our Natural Retinol Alternative. Vitamin C Antioxidants like Vitamin C pull double duty and stimulate collagen production as well as protect it. Vitamin C not only activates the skin’s fibroblasts to produce new collagen, but it also stabilizes the collagen you already have, helping the skin stay firm, plump, and youthful-looking for longer. Collagen-Boosting Facial Treatments You can also boost your skin’s collagen production with spa treatments. Here are a few of the most popular collagen regenerating treatments available. LED Red Light Therapy Red light Therapy has been shown to stimulate natural collagen production. The use of red-light therapy increases collagen density, reduces wrinkles, and improves complexion, and improves the skin overall appearance. Pretty Please offers LED light Therapy as an add-on for all our facials. Microcurrent Therapy If your skin is in the early stages of the aging process, microcurrent treatments can be beneficial. This type of treatment is best for skin that is showing the earliest signs of aging, as it conditions the skin’s fibroblasts to function optimally and continue to produce healthy, high-quality collagen. Pretty Please includes Microcurrent treatment in our Blueberry Detox Firming facial & Triple Layer facial. Skin Care Products That Help with Collagen Loss Now that you have all the details on what collagen is, why your skin needs, and how to treat your skin professionally, we can now get into products that you can use from home to replenish your skin with collagen-boosting ingredients. Eminence Organics Marine Flower Peptide Serum This skincare duo features Eminence Organics Smart Collagen+ Complex which combines botanical collagen, natural plant peptides, and algae extracts. Together, these ingredients leave the skin looking strong and elastic. The Marine Flower Peptide Serum and Marine Flower Peptide Eye Cream can be added to any skincare routine to deliver significantly smoother, plumper, and more youthful-looking skin. Eminence Organics Arctic Berry Peel & Peptide Illuminating System This three-step peel and peptide system includes a Peptide Illuminating Complex derived from an antioxidant-rich mix of hibiscus seed peptides, gardenia stem cells, and yellow plum extract. This blend of antioxidants, botanical peptides, and stem cells minimizes the visible signs of aging and gives skin a firmer and smoother appearance. Eminence Organics Bamboo Firming Fluid This silky concentrate is formulated with our Natural Retinol Alternative. This botanical-based complex mimics the effects of conventional retinol by appearing to lift and tighten the skin. Derived from chicory root and tara tree extract, it provides the same firming and smoothing results without the risk of irritation and downtime. Eminence Organics Citrus & Kale Potent C+E Serum This antioxidant-rich serum combines potent Vitamin C with Vitamin E and ferulic acid. Together, these ingredients help the skin look firm and plump with the visible signs of aging reduced. Eminence Organics Lead Skin Care Trainer Natalie Pergar tells us: “We formulated the Vitamin C concentration to the optimal amount to be non-irritating and still provide powerful antioxidant benefits.” We hope we answered all your questions and gave you a few products to use in the comfort of your home. When you’re ready for a professional’s touch, book a facial with one of our Skin Experts at our New York City Facial Spa.

  • Skin with an Autumn Glow

    Summer has ended, we have said goodbye to picnics in the park, beach days, rooftop BBQ’s and overall fun in the sun, but do we really have to kiss our summer glow goodbye? At Pretty Please, we say, NO! Our Skin Gurus are all about maintaining their summer glow all year round and we want you to join us! Introducing our Autumn Glow Facial (for a limited-time) For the month of October & November, we are featuring our Autumn Glow Facial ($230) to help you glow into winter. This facial features our yummy (or should we say yammy), Yam Pumpkin Pro Enzyme Peel that produces a glowing complexion while reducing the appearance of dark spots, firms & plumps the skin, and reduces wrinkle depth and fine lines. Afterwards, we utilize LED Light Therapy to stimulate and enhance collagen production. 4 to Naturally Radiate Sun-kissed skin is here to stay, and this article will give you all the tips and tools to get the glow and keep it. Below are 4 sun-safe ways to stay naturally radiant the whole year through: 1. Use Tinted Moisturizer Reach for your favorite tinted moisturizer and put it to use! Not only do they deliver lightweight sheer coverage, but you’re also providing your skin with SPF protection. On top of protection, you’re giving your skin an extra layer of hydration, and the major key to glowing skin is hydrated skin. Don’t have one? You know we love Eminence and their line of Tinted Moisturizers are fantastic. 2. Drink Up In the summer, it’s easy to stay hydrated and ensure you’re drinking enough water because hot summer days call for it. But we find in the colder seasons, people opt for fall-themed drinks, while H20 is left in the fridge. Glowing skin can’t thrive with a dehydrated vessel. 3. Invest in a Natural Bronzer If you’re looking for a quick natural glow remedy, an all-natural bronzer is the way to go! Apply a little golden, bronze hue to your cheeks and forehead to give your skin a sun-kissed look even in the colder seasons. 4. Glow Boosting Facial Masques To really bring out your inner glow - try a glow-boosting facial masque. Exfoliating and Hydrating facial masques will boost your glow by replenishing the skin with vitamins and nutrients that your skin is thirsting for. Glow-Boosting Products We put together this fun fall-themed list of products and ingredients that will replenish your skin and boost your glow. 1. Pumpkin Fall smells just like pumpkins right? So of course pumpkins are on our list! As much as we all enjoy our pumpkin spice lattes, we can also love pumpkin in our skincare. Pumpkins are rich in enzymes, beta-carotene, amino acids, and antioxidants which can do wonderful things for your skin. For pumpkin-perfect moisture, we would recommend Eminence Organics Limited Edition Pumpkin Latte Hydration Masque. This masque will soothe, nourish the skin, and will leave it feeling moisturized. The pumpkin puree of nutrient-rich goodness in this masque is especially beneficial during the dry fall months when there’s less humidity and moisture in the air. 2. Yams Why not take the beauty benefits of pumpkin to the next level by adding yams to the mix? Yams have been used in Asian traditional medicine centuries due to their tremendous healing powers. This root vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals needed for your skin to rejuvenate and restore itself. Eminence Organics has a Yam & Pumpkin Enzyme Peel, which is an at-home exfoliating peel containing lactic and glycolic acids. This treatment refines and evens skin tone, including the look of dark spots, and provides gentle exfoliation without any irritation. Lactic and glycolic acid together will gently exfoliate the skin and remove imperfections. This is a great way to treat your skin while boosting your glow. 3. Licorice Root Fall is the perfect time to correct any sun damage that occurred during the summer months. Licorice root is a superfood ingredient that plays a role in treating acne and inflammation. The licorice root, found in Eminence Organics Bright Skin Licorice Root Exfoliating Peel, helps brighten the appearance of uneven or sun-damaged skin for a more youthful appearance. This results-oriented peel uses licorice root and our Natural Hydroquinone Alternative to brighten the appearance of dark spots, while lactic and mandelic acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells. We recommend following this treatment with an SPF moisturizer. 4. Cranberries In addition to adding bursts of flavor to food, this tiny berry adds impressive beauty benefits when used as a skincare ingredient. Cranberries are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants that help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. They’re also rich in phytochemicals with potent anti-inflammatory properties that are extremely effective in fighting the inflammation caused by problem skin. Benefits of Pumpkin In Skin Care Not only does pumpkin pack a delicious and nutritious punch in your favorite recipes, pumpkin face masks could be your favorite skincare treatment too. With benefits that range from increasing moisture levels to brightening skin tone, pumpkin is a beauty-boosting superstar. Spreading on a luscious layer of pumpkin face mask not only smells heavenly, but it also leaves your skin baby soft and silky smooth. This is because pumpkin pulp and pumpkin seed oil contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). We’ve identified before that AHAs are key to a glowing and radiant complexion, helping with exfoliation, moisture retention, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Adding to this glowy goodness, pumpkin is also rich in antioxidants, and Vitamins A and C. Our Founder Jennifer Rasa says, “Vitamin A and C help to defend against oxidative damage. Vitamin C is especially needed for treating and reducing the look of dark spots.” Here’s a quick rundown on five incredible benefits of Pumpkin: 1. Infuses the skin with bioflavonoids 2. Deeply hydrates and plumps the skin 3. Stimulates collagen production 4. Provides antioxidant and age-defying benefits 5. Delivers beta carotene, amino acids, and fruit enzymes to the skin The benefits of pumpkin leave you with the complexion of your dreams year-round, but this fall-favorite ingredient is especially helpful as the seasons change. Using pumpkin products allows estheticians to help alleviate skincare woes such as dehydration and redness caused by dryness. Jennifer sums this up perfectly, by saying: "As the season's change, our skin tends to suffer moisture loss and can use a boost in exfoliation. Whether it’s fine lines and wrinkles, post-summer UV exposure, or the change in environment from central heating or air, the skin can usually use a little TLC, and pumpkin is here to help.” We just gave you all the deets on maintaining your summer glow this fall -- keep your skin clear, healthy and of course glowing! When you’re ready for a professional’s touch, book a facial with one of our Skin Gurus at our New York City facial spa.

  • Skin Exfoliation: The Do’s, Don’ts, and the Differences

    Baby soft skin, that looks more youthful and vibrant? Aaahh yes, we know all about how to get it and maintain your glow. At Pretty Please, we know exfoliation is an essential part of achieving healthy, glowing skin. Especially with our clients in their late twenties and thirties, because this is when the skin renewal process begins to slow down. Our Founder Jennifer Rasa knows that through exfoliation, you’re removing the dull surface layers of dead skin cells to reveal newer, younger skin underneath. At our New York City facial spa, we provide exfoliation using natural and organic skin products in every service. Additionally, we provide advanced exfoliation treatments such as Microdermabrasion and Organic Peels to help our clients to give them the gift of younger-looking, radiant skin. We’re going to break down the do’s and don’ts, differences in exfoliation, and tips to ensure you’re polishing away imperfections properly. Let’s start with the dos and don’ts! Do: Exfoliate 2-3 times per week It’s important to not over-exfoliate your skin. The point of exfoliation is to remove dry, dead skin, but if you’re exfoliating every other day, you’re not allowing your skin time to naturally regenerate. Exfoliating too much can cause damage and tears to the skin, creating redness, irritation, and inflammation -- which is what we don’t want. Don’t: Exfoliate Irritated Skin Whether it’s from sunburn or a skin reaction caused by another product, if you’re experiencing any type of irritation, it’s always best to avoid exfoliating. By scrubbing away at your skin, you could cause more harm than good. We recommend holding off on any type of treatment until your skin has completely recovered. Do: Follow Exfoliation With SPF When it comes to your daily skincare routine, sun protection is a must and this step is even more imperative after exfoliating. Once you’ve polished away dull layers of skin, your skin becomes sensitive and is more susceptible to damage from the sun. It’s important to protect your skin and apply an SPF moisturizer before heading out into direct sunlight. Don’t: Use Synthetic Exfoliants Avoid using synthetic products like plastic microbeads, we recommend opting for products that use natural and organic ingredients. For example, organic brown sugar scrubs with olive, and tea tree oil are perfect to gently remove dead skin from the skin's surface. Do: Use Caution When Combining Exfoliation Treatments Although some exfoliation treatments work well together, some combinations should be avoided. When using retinol treatments, for example, it’s recommended that you use caution when undergoing additional exfoliation procedures such as waxing eyebrows, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser treatments. This also applies to over the counter medications. To be safe, it’s always best to consult your physician before undergoing any intensive exfoliation treatments. Exfoliation Mistakes Yes, exfoliation can bring your skin back to life, taking it from dull and tired to healthy and glowing, but it’s a skincare step that’s often missed entirely or done incorrectly. It takes the skin 25 days to renew itself naturally by shedding dead cells and generating new ones. As we age, this process takes even longer - dead cells accumulate on the skin’s surface, clogging pores and leaving it looking less than radiant. Exfoliants slough away build-up to reveal healthier skin underneath and allow for greater absorption of the beneficial ingredients in the rest of your skincare routine. If you exfoliate regularly, you’re already on your way to a radiant glow, however, it’s important to make sure you’re not making these exfoliation mistakes. Skipping the Eye Area When it comes to exfoliation, we’re taught to steer clear of the eye area to avoid rubbing delicate skin the wrong way. However, gentle exfoliation can make significant improvements towards reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet. Using an exfoliant like an under eye serum with glycolic acid is a great way to gently remove dead skin cells and minimize the visible signs of aging, revealing a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion. Choosing the Wrong Product Does exfoliating leave your complexion looking red and irritated? Chances are you’re using a scrub with large, abrasive particles that are creating tiny tears in the skin. Look for a sugar scrub because the particles are much smaller and will offer a gentle buffing. If physical exfoliants are too much, chemical exfoliants might be your skin’s best friend. Lactic and salicylic acids exfoliate to reveal a brighter and more radiant-looking complexion, and they’re great for sensitive skin types. Overlooking your Pucker Lip balm is a quick fix for chapped lips, but regular exfoliation is the key to keeping them soft and smooth, especially during colder seasons. For the perfect pout, treat your lips to a sugar scrub and follow up with moisturizing creamy balm to soothe your fresh baby soft lips. Difference Between Physical & Chemical Exfoliants? Based on the exfoliation mistakes, we’re sure you’re wondering what the major differences between physical and chemical exfoliants are. Exfoliants can take many forms and understanding the difference can take your skincare routine to the next level. Physical Exfoliants Physical exfoliants are tiny scrubbing particles that you can actually feel with your bare hands. These tiny particles physically remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, revealing the healthier skin underneath. Chemical Exfoliants A chemical exfoliant harnesses the power of naturally occurring enzymes and acids to remove dead skin cells at a much deeper level. AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) derived from natural substances like lactic acid (from milk) and citric acid (from fruit) remove the “glue” that holds dead skin cells together. BHAs (Beta Hydroxy Acids), like the salicylic acid naturally found in strawberries, is antibacterial and reach deep into pores to give the skin a deeper clean. While physical exfoliants remove dead skin at the moment, chemical exfoliants work to gently dissolve the dead cells that have settled on the skin’s surface. This type of exfoliant can be used nightly as well. Can you use both exfoliants at the same time? The short answer: yes! Due to chemical exfoliants being gentle on the skin, you can still exfoliate twice a week with your favorite facial scrub. While doing so, it’s important to listen to your skin, if you notice tightness or redness, scale back on how often you exfoliate your skin. If you’re looking for a professional touch, come see one of our Skin Therapists at Pretty Please in the heart of NYC’s Flatiron district.

  • How to Treat Milia and Rejuvenate your Skin

    While performing your daily skincare routine, have you noticed any signs of milia? Maybe you have but never knew what to call this skin condition. Milia, or maybe to you “tiny white pimples”, may be less obvious than acne and blackheads but can be just as concerning. Why do you have them and what caused this sudden appearance, are the questions we’re sure you’re asking. Milia appears as tiny, hard lumps under the skin, and near the under eyes or on the cheeks and is also difficult to remove. We here at Pretty Please know how frustrating a new skincare concern can be, but our Founder Jennifer Rasa has you covered with a detailed explanation of milia, as well as methods and tips you can use to treat and repair your skin. What Are Milia? Milia are small cysts filled with keratin, which is a type of protein found in skin tissue, hair, and nail cells. When keratin gets trapped under the skin, tiny white bumps develop, often in small clusters. These small cysts don't become red and inflamed like acne but instead slowly build up under the skin and remain a white color. These are not to be confused with a “whitehead”, as whiteheads contain sebum as opposed to the keratin found in milia. Milia can appear on people of all ages, it’s not infectious and has no clear cause, but it can be aggravated by sun damage. There are four types of milia - Neonatal milia which affect newborns, primary milia which is the most common form of milia, because it’s found on both children and adults, and typically around the eyes, cheeks or forehead. There’s milia en plaque, which is a less common form of milia and, lastly, secondary milia, which refers to milia that appear after trauma to the skin, such as injury, burn, or blistering. When dealing with milia, it is important to first have a skin analysis with a professional to determine the best method to treat the condition. For today we’re focusing on primary milia as it’s most common in adults and can be found around the eyes, cheeks or forehead. How To Get Rid Of Milia While milia will often clear up on its own, if you’re still showing signs, extraction may be the only way to completely clear your skin. There are two effective ways of eliminating milia, extractions from a professional, and exfoliation. Due to milia being so small and covered by the skin, they can be difficult to remove, so the assistance of a trained hand is essential to remove them without damaging your skin further. Although it can be tempting to remove milia on your own, we strongly advise against any at-home removal sessions, as it can lead to inflammation, infections, and scarring. Instead, let our Skin Therapists help remove milia over time using noninvasive methods by tailoring the facial to your skin and utilizing advanced exfoliation techniques. Schedule an appointment at our Pretty Please location in the heart of the Flatiron District and one of our Skin Therapists can assist you with a consultation. For the toughest milia cases, Pretty Please strongly recommends seeing a dermatologist to remove milia. Dermatologists can take a more invasive approach by utilizing needles and lancets. We will never use a needles or lancets at Pretty Please! In addition to extractions, exfoliation is essential for preventing milia. Jennifer Rasa would recommend starting with any of our facials. Not only will our Skin Experts use professional procedures to open the pore and smooth away any blockages, but we can also perform a skin analysis and recommend home care products. Exfoliation is also a step you can safely do from the comfort of your home. When choosing products, you want ingredients that help soften the skin and speed up the natural process for milia to pop out on their own. Our Skin Therapists may recommend a physical or a chemical exfoliant, depending on your skin type. Some exfoliating ingredients you may come across to treat milia include: ● Glycolic acid ● Lactic acid ● Salicylic acid ● Retinol What Products Should I Use? Exfoliation can be incorporated into multiple steps of your homecare routine. In addition to professional treatments, we may also recommend using these following steps: Cleansers An exfoliating cleanser is ideal for anyone with milia who is also wanting to reduce the look of wrinkles. Using a gentle physical exfoliator, that contains a natural retinol alternative and natural AHA for additional chemical exfoliation is both key ingredients to battle milia. If chemical exfoliation is preferred or more suitable for your skin type, we would suggest using a facial cleanser with lactic acid to effectively remove dead skin cells without drying the skin out. This type of cleanser is suitable for all skin types and will help to shrink pores and smooth the skin. Exfoliants Once again adding exfoliating is essential to treating and removing milia. By using a chemical or physical exfoliant, you’re gently smoothing away skin perfections, and it’s also a great prep for extraction by your esthetician. Additionally, this is the perfect home care regimen as it helps unclog pores and polish the skin. If you have oily skin, use an exfoliator that contains salicylic acid -- this chemical exfoliant will remove dirt from the skin and prevent buildup. For those who are less oily, we would suggest combining lactic and glycolic acid to improve the look of texture on the skin and to remove dead skin cells. Using lactic and glycolic acid are both suitable for all skin types. Finally, since milia often cluster around the eye, we also recommend using the Naseberry Eye Exfoliant by Eminence Organics. It’s a gentle eye exfoliant, specifically formulated to prevent and clear milia around this delicate area. Masks And now we get to the part we know everyone loves -- facial masks! There’s something about a facial mask that makes us feel like we’re giving our skin the ultimate treatment of luxury. Those 10-20 minutes can truly work wonders, so please treat your skin to a mask to repair and treat your milia condition. Masking one to three times a week at home will help take your results to the next level. We know milia can be both frustrating and annoying but with these steps, you can see your glow restored! A daily and weekly regimen of cleansing, exfoliating, masking and, not picking will prep your skin to be repaired and will also make extractions from a professional a breeze. Book your a facial today and come see us in New York City for a professional skin-pampering session.

  • How to Treat Sensitive Skin

    Don’t let sensitive skin get in the way of your skincare routine. Choosing the right products for your skin type can feel a little nerve-wrecking, because one misstep can take weeks to recover from. However, knowing what triggers your skin is necessary, and this is why having a skincare specialist examine your skin will help in finding the right products just for you. At Pretty Please, we have highly experienced Skin Experts that will examine, and offer professional advice on the best products for your skin type. But just in case you can’t make it to us in New York City, here is everything you need to know about sensitive skin, as well as our tips for keeping it calm, cool and collected. What Is Sensitive Skin? Sensitive skin comes with a wide variety of symptoms, and it doesn’t look the same way for everyone. It can range from moderate discomfort to severe reactions -- our founder, Jennifer Rasa, says: “sensitive skin is common and about half of our clients tell us they suffer from it. It is described as skin that endures daily unpleasant sensations such as stinging, burning, redness, and tingling caused by forms of stimulation.” If you find your skin is easily triggered by environmental stressors like the sun, wind and pollution, and/or topical products like lotions or fragrances, you may have sensitive skin. Sensitive Skin Vs. Sensitized Skin There is a key distinction to be made between each one -- sensitive skin is a genetic trait, while sensitized skin is an issue caused by increased exposure to pollution, stress and chemicals. While these two share the same symptoms, the cause of this skin concern is different. Sensitive skin is a skin type which is caused by a genetic predisposition to skin sensitivity and irritation. It is also a common symptom of genetic conditions like psoriasis, eczema and rosacea. You cannot change your skin type, but you can adjust your daily habits and skin care routine to manage its symptoms. On the other hand, sensitized skin is a skin condition. It is characterized by skin irritation that builds over time due to environmental influences and lifestyle choices. Unlike sensitive skin, the symptoms of sensitized skin can be “fixed” over time with targeted skin care products and lifestyle changes. Signs & Symptoms Again signs of sensitive skin can vary, so here are a few telltale signs that you may have sensitive skin: ● Redness If you experience redness after cleansing your skin, chances are you suffer from sensitive skin. This redness is due to an inflammatory response from your immune system, which rushes blood to the surface of your skin in an attempt to heal it. ● Prone To Rashes & Bumps When sensitive skin is exposed to a trigger, it will often react with a red, flaky or bumpy rash. This usually occurs when topical products are applied like facial serums and moisturizers that are meant to be left on the skin rather than rinsed off. ● Burning Sensation Another sign of sensitive skin is when your skin reacts to products being applied. Sensitive skin has a broken lipid barrier, so fragrances and active ingredients can penetrate more easily and deeply, which causes a stinging, or burning sensation. ● Reacts To Fragrance Jennifer Rasa says, “fragrance is one of the most notorious causes of skin irritation and sensitivity.” From laundry detergents to personal care products, many consumer goods contain synthetic fragrances that can cause a reaction in sensitive skin. Jennifer would suggest using products that are fragrance-free. Tips For Sensitive Skin You may not be able to change your sensitive skin type, but there are several tips you can follow to keep your symptoms under control. ● Be Aware Of Triggers One of the best ways to manage your symptoms is to be aware of the environmental and lifestyle triggers that cause your skin to react. The more you know, the better you can identify them. Triggers differ from person to person, but often include, change in weather, stress, and dehydration. ● Choose Calming Ingredients When shopping for skincare products, treat your skin to items that contain calming ingredients. Here are a few superstar ingredients, chosen for their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to enhance your skin’s lipid barrier. Reach for chamomile, hyaluronic acid, rosehip oil, olive oil, shea butter and sunflower seed oil. ● Perform A Patch Test At our Manhattan location, we always recommend trying a patch test to our clients - especially when trying new products. Wait at least 24 hours for signs of irritation, redness, or other skin freak-outs. ● Moisturize One of the best ways to maintain a healthy lipid barrier is to moisturize - day and night. An effective moisturizer will replenish skin’s outer layer and prevent water loss, helping to prevent penetration by potential irritants. When choosing a moisturizer, we recommend looking for ingredients that are high in fatty acids, like shea butter, jojoba oil and coconut oil, as well as serums with hyaluronic acid to increase hydration and lock in moisture. ● Less is More Sensitive skin is easily overwhelmed by an abundance of products, so it’s best to simplify your routine and stick to a basic regimen of gentle cleansers, toners, and moisturizers that are fragrance-free. Sensitive Skin Care Routine Essential Routine When it comes to sensitive skin, less is more. We recommend starting simple with these essential skin care steps. Cleanse Use a gentle facial cleanser, either a cream or milk-based cleanser to provide the skin with nourishment. Exfoliate (once or twice per week) Yes, sensitive skin can still be exfoliated, but only gentle exfoliation. Limiting exfoliation to once or twice per week is ideal. It can help remove dead skin cells and refresh your skin, but overdoing it can make your skin feel irritated. Skip harsh scrubs and opt instead for gentle peels like glycolic acid. Tone Say goodbye to alcohol-based, astringent toners that can leave your face feeling tight and itchy. Instead, use a hydrating toner or facial mist with skin-soothing ingredients like rose water, that will help improve the appearance of redness and inflammation. Moisturize For sensitive skin, look for moisturizers that not only replenish your skin’s moisture barrier but also contain soothing ingredients like rosehip oil which will calm and comfort your skin. Mask Face masks are one of the best ways to soothe sensitive skin. They not only offer the ultimate pampering experience but also deliver calming ingredients to the skin. Facial masks are a great way to target your sensitive areas and treat them for 10-20 minutes during a session. Treat Using serums and oils will provide the ultimate comfort to reactive skin and help alleviate dry patches, redness and strengthen skin to create a barrier against outside irritants. You now have all the tips and tools you need to treat and combat sensitive skin. However, if you would like an in-depth breakdown on products you can use, schedule an appointment at our Flatiron location. Allow one of our skin experts to offer professional tips as well as pamper your skin to our Keep Calm Facial, created for sensitive skin.

  • How to Layer your Skincare Products like a Pro

    So long the days of just cleansing and moisturizing! Nowadays we all have a 5, 7, or 10-step skincare routine, and those steps vary from day-to-night. At Pretty Please in New York City, our Skin Experts know the importance of layering products properly to ensure your skin gets the maximum benefits. From serums, moisturizers, toners, and facial oils, we can see how this can be a bit confusing. Our founder, Jennifer Rasa, always stresses the importance of applying in the order of the thinnest to thickest. So let us give you the inside scoop on how to apply, layer, and glow like you just walked out of a day-spa. Why Layering Matters Applying your skincare products from the lightest to the richest in texture will allow your skin to drink in each nutrient from every product you apply. The skin’s natural response is to act as a barrier, by only allowing a small percentage of ingredients through. Of course, when it comes to skincare, we want every single fine-line fighting, dull skin rejuvenating, skin-plumping ingredient there is. So using products in the correct order allows this penetration to occur, one step at a time. It’s also best to allow each product to rest on the skin for 30 seconds to 1 minute before moving on to the next step. Allow your skincare routine to be a moment of pampering and not a chore. This is the perfect time to massage the product into your skin, so you can get the most out of each product as well as feel the difference in your skin from week-to-week. Aside from the consistency rule, consider the function of each product. Certain skincare products prep the skin making it easier for your skin to absorb the next product. With this system, your skin will have a glowing appearance and not a greasy one. How To Layer Your Skin Care Products In The Right Order Here’s our recommended order to get glowing, radiant skin. 1. Toner For some reason, those with dry skin don’t believe they need to tone or they don’t understand the importance of toning. Toning your skin can work multiple ways depending on your skin type. For those with oily skin, a Toner is used to remove excess oils and for those with dry skin, a hydrating toner can be used as a way to hydrate and prep your skin for the next step. You always want to apply products to damp skin for better absorption. 2. Essence This step is perfect for those with a dry skin type. Applying an essence will replenish the skin with hydration as it’s a light-weight formula that boosts the skin’s ability to retain moisture. With an essence, you enhance ingredient absorption, so make this a must-have when you want to get the most benefit out of your routine or during drier seasons. Our Founder Jennifer says, the best practice is to apply an essence after you cleanse/ tone and before your serum. After toning, apply a few drops of essence into the palms of your hands, warm up the product in your hands, and gently press into your skin. 3. Serum, Concentrates, Facial Oils After prepping your skin with your toner and essence, applying a serum rich in antioxidants is necessary. Depending on your skin type and skin needs, your serum can range anti-aging, hydrating, collagen boosting, etc. Find your perfect serum for your skin needs and gently to your entire skin. After applying your serum, allow for your skin to absorb the product for about 1 minute. from so it makes sense that you want them to be absorbed fully. Also, if you need to target or address specific skin concerns, applying a concentrate or serum at this point of the routine is recommended for the best results. 3a. Spot Treatment This step is optional for those who struggle with dark spots or blemishes. If you have a stop treatment in your regimen, now is the time to apply it. 4. Moisturizer Yes, even if your skin is oily, a hydrating moisturizer is essential to lock in moisture and protect it against the free radicals it experiences throughout the day. A lot of moisturizers also contain SPF and protecting your skin from harmful UV-rays is necessary. For the best results, you can apply your favorite moisturizer after serums or while the skin is still damp. Remember, applying to damp skin allows for better absorption and also helps lock in moisture and all those nutrient-rich ingredients you just applied to the skin. 5. Eye Cream Sadly this delicate area is often left behind in a skincare routine – but it’s the area of your face where signs of aging show up first! Treating this area is so important, that it has its own product created just to moisturize and nourish your under eyes. Brighten and tighten your eyes by applying a few drops of cream using your ring finger. Apply a hydrating eye cream over your moisturizer and pat it gently into the area around the eye socket, targeting fine lines or crow’s feet, as well as the undereye area. 6. SPF (Daytime) Just in case your moisturizer doesn’t offer any sunscreen protection, we suggest applying an SPF to ensure your skin is protected from any skin damage. This step is needed for your daytime routine and should be the last step before you step out for the day. 7. Night Cream (Evening) If you’re not ending your day with an overnight face mask... a rich and hydrating cream is the perfect last step for a nighttime skincare routine. A night cream is specially formulated to be thicker and heavier than an everyday moisturizer. We’re sure you’re wondering what’s the difference between a moisturizer and night cream? The richness in a night cream works to seal in all the previous steps as well as protecting the skin during sleeping hours to prevent moisture loss. Your skin works its hardest at night while we sleep, rejuvenating and repairing cells, which is why using a night cream packed with botanical oils and extracts is highly recommended. We know this list sounds like a lot, but it makes all the difference when taking care of your skin. From hydrating, treating, moisturizing, and fighting signs of aging. Again, you should use this time to luxuriate and pamper your skin, because when you’re good to it, it will be great to you. After applying your entire skincare routine, we would recommend waiting 10 minutes before applying make-up, and 20 minutes before going to bed. It’s important that your skin has a chance to drink in all the benefits of the products you applied. Whenever you’re ready to pamper your skin with us, booking a facial with one of our Skin Experts at Pretty Please is only a couple of clicks away!

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