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How Often Should I Get a Facial?

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Oh, we know... that after-facial glow and freshness you feel... You want to keep it up right!?!

This is what Pretty Please is all about and why we are known for the best facials in New York City for over a decade!

Don't feel guilty... aside from the self-indulgence and pampering of our amazing facial service, there is science behind these treatments to achieve great long-term results for your skin.

28 days & Counting

New skin cells are formed in the basal layer, the deepest of the four layers that comprise the epidermis, our skin's outermost layer.

One thing you should be aware of is that skin regenerates every 28 days. New skin cells are formed in the basal layer, the deepest of the four layers that comprise the epidermis, our skin's outermost layer. These new cells, which are thick and column-shaped, divide in half, with half remaining where they are and the other half moving up through the different layers, changing shape and appearance as they go. The cells have lost their nucleus by the time they reach the skin's surface. They're essentially dead and slough away in a never-ending cycle of regeneration.

How Often To Get A Facial?

A General Answer

Given the time it takes for new cells to form and climb to the surface, having too many facials might aggravate your skin. You want to strike a balance between having a facial frequently enough to maximize efficacy and not so frequently that you cause harm. After all, your skin is recovering from a facial: After a chemical peel treatment, your skin is still pink for 24 hours; 48 to 72 hours, the skin may continue to expel impurities; and up to five to seven days, the skin may still be mending from forceful extractions. In addition, your skin is awaiting the appearance of new cells.

Pretty Please Skincare's Owner & Skin Guru, Jennifer Rasa, recommends scheduling facials according to the cell renewal timetable, "Since your skin regenerates itself approximately every 28 days, it would be ideal for you to get it treated every 4 to 6 weeks." This not only corresponds with skin cell turnover, but it also means you're routinely checking in with your esthetician to ensure your skincare regimen is on track.

"If monthly facials are not an option, coming in seasonally would be the next best thing..." says Jennifer.

Lastly, even though it is recommended that you at least get a facial once every four to six weeks, the frequency varies depending on what type of facial you are getting. "The frequency with which you have a facial can also be determined by the individual skin concern being addressed," says Jennifer. "There is a possibility that someone with severe acne or hyperpigmentation will have to undergo a series of treatment sessions more frequently in the beginning."

Facials For Acne Concerns

If you're undergoing acne treatments, you're probably getting a gentle chemical peel once a week for four to eight weeks.

If you're undergoing acne treatments, you're probably getting a gentle chemical peel once a week for four to eight weeks. Your facial will almost certainly include extractions, especially if you have blackheads, which are open pores affected with sebum on the skin's surface, or whiteheads, which are "closed" comedones clogged with built-up pollutants but hidden in a thin layer of skin. After you've finished your treatments, the esthetician will usually review your skin and schedule monthly sessions.

Facial For Hyperpigmentation

Facials to treat hyperpigmentation use chemical peels similar to acne facials to address dark spots, areas of the skin that are affected by injury or skin inflammation, and even melasma, which sometimes appears in women taking birth control pills and during pregnancy.

A weekly treatment plan for four to five weeks is typical, but as Jennifer points out, "the frequency of obtaining a facial for hyperpigmentation would depend on the client's skin sensitivity." After the once-week facials, your esthetician will give your skin time to recuperate before beginning another cycle, if necessary.

An LED a Week to treat Acne

On the topic of pimples, LED light therapy has proven to be an extremely effective weapon, and that is the right word to use! The skincare industry borrowed the idea from the U.S. Navy SEALs in the 1990s as a way to treat acne and aging in the body by speeding up the body's recovery from wounds. LED light is blue in color, and it reaches the sebaceous glands where it targets Propionibacterium acnes, a bacteria responsible for acne.

Red light is longer wavelength infrared penetrates deeper into the skin and is supposed to stimulate collagen protein and calm inflammation, resulting in skin that looks fuller and smoother. There is some consensus that LED lighting can benefit acne...especially when it combines blue and red LED light...even though the scientific verdict on its anti-aging properties remains out.

Hooman Khorasani, the chief of the division of Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the blue and red LED combo “may reduce the size of the sebaceous glands, so you don’t produce as much oil.” The other good news is you can have up to one LED facial a week.

Monthly Microdermabrasion

The monthly microdermabrasion treatment is another high-tech method of treating your skin by tricking it into replacing old skin cells on your surface with new ones. This is achieved by tricking your skin into believing it is being injured, which in fact is what it is, gently, in a way. Our microdermabrasion machine exfoliates your skin with a diamond tip while gently suctioning up the dead cells. Quick and non-invasive, microdermabrasion will brighten and smooth out your skin but the immediate after-effects can be a little redness and sensitivity. It’s best to keep these sessions to once a month.

So check your calendar, consider your options, and count up the days until your next spa visit with us!

Commit to your Skin Goals & Save money too!

You can now purchase facial packages online and save 20% on each facial.

Each package is for 5 facials. (Signature facial packages starting @ $600)


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