Whether it's a bright and sunny day or a gloomy, overcast afternoon, wearing quality sunscreen or skincare products with SPF is crucial when it comes to protecting your skin.
You may see all kinds of products available that claim to have sun-protecting properties, so why is this ingredient such a crucial part of a good skincare routine?
Read on to learn more about the importance of SPF for your face and body and how it protects you.
Healthy Sun Protection
Whenever you go outside, it's a good idea to apply either sunscreen or a product that contains SPF to protect your skin. These products don't just keep you safe from sunburn - they also help to promote a more even complexion.
When it comes to uneven skin tones or patchiness, sun damage is the main culprit. That's why choosing an effective sunscreen can help your skin retain its even, healthy glow.
Of course, the sun can do much more than just make your skin appear patchy. Too much exposure to the sun's UV rays can cause premature aging or even worse - skin cancer.
Wearing products that contain SPF on a sunny day will protect your skin from the sun's broad spectrum of harsh and dangerous UV rays. This ingredient minimizes the ability of UV rays to penetrate into your skin, and it may also help to prevent the triggering of specific skin disorders.
Even if you have a rare, mild sunburn, it can have long-lasting and damaging effects. The best rule of thumb is to make wearing sunscreen a part of your daily routine.
Should You Only Use Sunscreen on a Sunny Day?
When you think of applying sunscreen, you probably imagine a day at the beach or an afternoon lounging by the pool. However, it's best to apply sunscreen or products that contain SPF to your skin every day, regardless of the weather.
Even when it's cloudy outside, the sun is still producing harmful rays. In fact, you can still get a sunburn or sun damage, even when it's overcast and gloomy.
UV radiation can easily penetrate through the clouds and affect the health of your skin. If you don't apply SPF every day, you're increasing your risk of skin damage and potentially, skin cancer that may present itself later in life.
Up to 80-percent of UV rays can be absorbed by your skin when it's overcast. Snow can actually make things worse since the reflection can double the amount of UV radiation. People with pale skin should be especially vigilant when it comes to wearing sunscreen.
What Type of Products Contain SPF?
No matter what skin type you have, it's important to choose products that have SPF as part of the ingredients. You can find everything from facial moisturizer to foundation that may include some level of SPF.
Generally, anything that contains between 15 and 50 SPF can provide you with adequate protection against the sun. Look for moisturizers or tinted creams that incorporate some form of sun protection into their formulas.
Of course, if you're planning to spend lots of time outside on a sunny day, you should apply a true sunscreen to the rest of your body. Make sure that you get it on your neck, back, and shoulders if you're gearing up for a day outdoors.
Some products have ingredients that will protect you from the sun's UVA and UVB rays. This means you'll get the maximum protection you need to prevent sunburn, skin damage, and wrinkles. These products may have the words "broad spectrum" on the packaging, which means they include protection against both UVA and UVB exposure.
If you have a fair skin tone or are prone to getting sunburn easily, choose skincare products with a higher level of SPF protection. Generally, anything between 30 and 50 SPF for your face and/or body is a good choice.
The Importance of SPF
UVA rays make up most of the light that reaches your skin. That's because these rays have a long wavelength that can penetrate more deeply into the layers of the skin.
Only light has to be present for UVA rays to affect you, which means that it doesn't always have to be a completely sunny day for your skin to be affected. Even if you're indoors all day, UVA rays can penetrate window glass, so it's a good idea to use sun protection every day, even when you're inside.
So, what causes your skin to become damaged after sun exposure? Over time, the UVA rays penetrate the dermis, which is what causes uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.
Using sunblock or products with SPF will help to keep these harmful rays from penetrating into your skin. They either absorb, reflect, or scatter the light away from your skin to help you stay safe and healthy.
No matter what type of products you use and how often you apply them, you can still experience sun-related damage over time. Increase your protection and minimize your exposure by wearing a hat, sunglasses, and light clothing any time you go outside.
Sun Protection for All
Whether it's a sunny day or a little overcast, it's always a great time to wear sunscreen or some form of sun protection. With the right products and daily application, you can help mitigate the sun's damage to your skin.
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