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The Beauty Junkie’s Guide To Avoid Ruining Your Skin Care Products

Turns out, keeping your skincare favorites fresh is simple - as long as you follow these healthy skin rules.

Come on, confess, how many of you keep your favorite skincare products beyond their expiration date knowing that it’s probably bad for your skin?

I admit, if I’m spending top dollars on skincare, I would like to keep these investment pieces as long as possible. But how bad can keeping skincare products beyond the expiration date really be for your skin?

Unsurprisingly, tossing products past its prime time is part of a healthy skincare routine. Over time, skincare products will be exposed to air, light, moisture, and bacteria causing the products to degrade naturally. The first signs of a product starting to expire include the presence of bacteria and mold, oils becoming rancid, active ingredients losing their potency, and ingredients such as retinol and Vitamin C oxidizing. In some cases, expired products can cause skin irritation and breakouts which simply means that the active ingredients designed to tackle your skin concerns are no longer effective. For your skin care routine to work its’ magic, it’s important to follow this guide to keep your favorite skincare products fresh for longer!

Tip 1. Wash Your Face and Hands

Practice basic hygiene by washing your face and hands before using any skincare products! Dirt and grime will settle on top of skin throughout the day, so it’s important to wash your face and hands when waking up, before bed, and after sweating. Eminence Organics products makes it easier to be hygienic by including a mini spatula with select items to not only keep the skin products clean, but it also scoops the right amount of product out for a perfect application every time. However, it is still a good practice to frequently wash your hands as it will limit bacteria transferring to your products and face.

Tip 2. Avoid Exposure To Moisture

The steam from your shower is not doing your products any favors as water can condense on the surface of certain products and will generate mold. To prevent bacteria and mold build-up, we recommend storing products with a powder base or anything that doesn’t have a really strong seal like Eminence Organics’ Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant ($48 at and Stone Crop Oxygenating Fizzofoliant ($52 at in a dry, dark area.

Tip 3. Store Skin Care Products In A Dry, Dark Area

Direct sunlight and heat can accelerate the aging process of a product and break down its’ active ingredients. Countertops and vanities that are not next to a window are passable, but it’s usually best to keep your skincare products in a cabinet or drawer where the sun’s rays can’t reach them.

Tip 4. Ensure Your Products Are Properly Sealed

Products that are properly sealed and preserved will act as a line of defense from natural elements like air, water, and unwanted germs getting in. It’s an important yet simple step to maintain the consistency and shelf life of the item!

Think about the last time you forgot to put the top back on your toothpaste: its’ smooth texture developed a crust a few minutes after it has been exposed to air. Depending on the ingredients in a product, skincare items that are not properly sealed can become dry and harden when left open. Products with a pump like Stone Crop Cleansing Oil ($52 at are sealed and are less likely to be exposed to bacteria compared to containers that requires you to use your fingers.

Tip 5. Maintain Products At A Consistent Temperature

Consistency is key! A surefire way to ruin your products is to flip flop between temperatures and one of the best things you can do to maintain the shelf life of your favorite items is to maintain a consistent temperature. This will help conserve the active ingredients in products and keep them fresh for longer.

“Using a chilled eye cream can help with puffiness and encourage circulation,” explains Alicia Hawthorne, Eminence Organics’ Product Support Representative. There’s no harm in storing a few of your favorites in the fridge, however, allow some buffer time before toting these items on a tropical vacation!

Tip 6. Less Is More

With an overload of information and new products launching every other day in today’s world, it may be extremely easy to add the newest and trendiest item into your routine or hold onto products for too long, especially if they aren’t used regularly. While we love a good #shelfie, make sure you aren’t overloading your face with an excess of skincare products. More isn’t necessarily better, and if you’re using something a few times a year, odds are it’s time to toss it. As for the products you apply regularly, it’s likely you’ll use them up before they have a chance to expire!

When To Marie Kondo Your Skin Care Routine

It’s natural for organic skincare products to lose their freshness over time. It’s important to assess your skin concerns and check in every six to twelve months to update your skincare routine. Items from Eminence Organics are typically the freshest in the first 12 to 15 months after purchase. Don’t forget to thank and say farewell to the tossed items, Marie-Kondo style!

Once you notice discoloration, a funky odor or a peculiar change in texture whether it’s lumpy or runny, this may be a sign that the skincare product is starting to expire. To note, it is common for the natural and organic ingredients in Eminence Organics to have different colors, scent, and texture from batch to batch. If you aren’t sure about the state of your skincare product, feel free to reach out to our team and we’ll be happy to guide you! If you’re looking for a more luxurious experience, Pretty Please’s team of licensed estheticians offers a wide range of effective facials and treatments using Eminence Organics’ Pro-Line.

For more advice on how to keep your skin fresh, read more on our blog or book an appointment with a skin therapist at Pretty Please!


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